The Board of Barley Australia has met to consider the recommendations from the Malting and Brewing Industry Barley Technical Committee (MBIBTC) for the various varieties currently under evaluation. Accredited varieties are announced in a separate communication. Banks (IGB 1305): A sizeable tonnage of Banks barley from central Victoria was evaluated in 2018. Performance of the 2017/18 barley was variable in contrast to a solid performance during Stage One and hence evaluation has been held over for a further assessment in continued Stage Two trials during 2019. The aim is to achieve a timely decision, which will be in the best interest of the growers, by delivering a final result in September 2019 if possible. Biere (9516-01): A small tonnage of Biere barley from Victoria was evaluated in 2018. Biere has successfully completed Stage One evaluation and will now proceed into Stage Two trials in 2020 as there is insufficient grain available for 2019 evaluation. WI4896: A small tonnage of WI4896 barley from South Australia was evaluated in 2018. WI4896 has successfully completed Stage One evaluation and will now proceed into Stage Two trials in 2019. Alestar (SMBA 11-2341): A very small tonnage of Alestar barley aggregated from several growers in Victoria was evaluated in 2018. Alestar has successfully completed Stage One evaluation and will now proceed into Stage Two trials in 2019. It is anticipated that there will be sufficient in-specification grain available from the 2018/19 harvest for WI4896 and Alestar to carry out Stage Two Trials. They would then be assessed in February 2020 by the MBIBTC and a final recommendation made to Barley Australia at its March 2020 Meeting. Varieties entering into Stage One Evaluation Maltstar (SMBA 11-1771): No suitable barley is available for evaluation in 2019. Stage One evaluation can commence in 2020. Traveler: A small tonnage of Traveler barley is available for trial from the 2018/19 crop and hence Stage One evaluation can commence in 2019. IGB 1705T: Sufficient barley is available for Stage One evaluation in 2019. Buff (IGB 1506): Sufficient barley is available for Stage One evaluation in 2019. Bottler (HV 16): Barley was adversely affected by seasonal conditions. The promoter will advise on availability of grain to continue in the 2019 Stage One assessment. Barley Australia has accepted an application for one new variety, WI4952 from Secobra Recherches and Seednet, for malting barley evaluation. Trials of this new variety are anticipated to commence in Stage One in 2020. ends.