Industry Updates from NRBAC Spring Meeting
16 industry representatives joined the Spring meeting via a virtual Teams meeting on the 4th of November 2021. NRBAC very much appreciates the vital and ongoing support of DAF Qld for hosting these important meetings.
There were 6 presentations, with some key points as follows:
- Barley Australia provided an update on current activities, including the malting barley accreditation program and the development of regional committee webpages to be hosted on the Barley Australia website.
- AEGIC updated on their current activities. Agricultural Trade and Market Access Cooperation (ATMAC) funding has been awarded for in-market webinars, for both new market engagement and current market maintenance. The malting barley market focus will be in Mexico, Colombia, Ecuador, Peru, Ethiopia, South Africa, Brazil, India, Vietnam, and Australia. Engagement will also continue with China. AEGIC will host feed barley webinars across Philippines, Thailand, Vietnam, Indonesia, and other Southeast Asian countries for various livestock industries including pig, poultry, and dairy. A number of these webinars have been held already, with several more webinars planned over the coming months.
- A harvest update was provided by AgForce, including the significant work undertaken to facilitate border crossings of contract harvesters. Rain events had been impacting on the harvest in some areas.
- The 20th Australian Barley Technical Symposium will be held at the QT Gold Coast Hotel, Queensland, from the evening of Monday 22nd to Thursday 25th August 2022. The theme chosen for the 2022 Symposium is Quality Australian Barley: Driving Opportunities and Value.
- The next NRBAC meeting will take place at a date to be confirmed in April 2022.
Key Industry Dates
GRDC Grains Research Update – Goodiwindi
1-2 March 2022, Goondiwindi, Queensland