Industry Updates from Spring Meeting
26 industry representatives joined the Spring meeting via a virtual Teams meeting on the 13th of September 2021. SABAC very much appreciates the vital and ongoing support of GPSA for hosting these important meetings.
There were 12 presentations, with some key points as follows:
- Barley Australia provided an update on current activities, with a brief update on malting barley accreditation program status from the MBIBTC.
- AEGIC updated on their current activities. Agricultural Trade and Market Access Cooperation (ATMAC) funding has been awarded for in-market webinars, for both new market engagement and current market maintenance. A number of feed barley webinars have been held already, with several malting barley engagement webinars planned.
- InterGrain, Australian Grain Technologies (AGT) and SECOBRA Recherches/Seednet gave updates on the progress and qualities of their newly released barley varieties, and also an overview of what is coming through the pipeline in NVT trials.
- Grower and agronomy updates indicated that there has been a large range of conditions experienced in South Australian agricultural regions, however some common themes have emerged, with a number of areas currently close to moisture stress and desperately looking for good spring rain. Whilst many regions experienced a wetter than average June and July (in some cases water logging was a problem) after a late break, most had dry conditions during August and early September. Overall, it can be said that on average there has been good rainfall in most regions except the Northern Eyre Peninsula and the Mallee (which have both been patchy). September rainfall will be critical for a successful crop finish.
- It was also reported that barley plantings have dropped back slightly in South Australia due to gross margins available currently. However, in general there is good confidence in the agriculture sector overall.
- An update on Overwatch herbicide was presented by FMC, along with a pathology update from SARDI, an update on Chemical MRL’s from NWPGP, an update from Grains Australia and a global barley market update from ADM.
Key Industry Dates
GRDC Grains Research Update Adelaide, 8-9 Feb 2022
GPSA Roadworthy Heavy Vehicles … Made Easy! Workshop, Mt Compass, 9 Feb 2022
GRDC Grains Research Update, Spalding, 10 Feb 2022,
Southeast Field Days, Lucindale, SA, 18-19 March 2022,
Karoonda Farm Fair & Show, Karoonda, SA, 1-2 April 2022
Growing SA 2022, Hahndorf, 29-30 August 2022